1. The tallest I is the self.
  2. ⚙⚙ is innovation and technology. Without these expanding the self is nothing.
  3. The I I I are other warrior/exploiters the self trades with and allies with.
  4. 僕 僕 僕 ... are the laborers.

Words are the aggreement space between III. Language serves the opportunity/advantage space of the I, intrinsically bound to expanding technology/innovation. Laborers can only enter into meaningful involvement with words when they become exploiters of laborers.

Nature/Universe is the unending source material of the I and technology/innovation.

Unwilding the Universe serves technology/innovation and thus serves the I.

Mobility is a core trait of Yamnaya ways. The Yamnaya were the first humans to ride horses, then invented the horse-drawn wagon.

Horses were a unique niche animal specializing in the lands along the glacial edge of the last ice age. Unlike cattle and sheep, horses instinctively know how to eat and drink when the source is covered in ice.

Horses were first domesticated by steppe people and used as a source of winter meat. Eventually the Yamnaya were the first to ride this fast and strong running beast of the ice edge.

Being the first to have land transportation technology put the Yamnaya at an advantage in warfare, migration, trade and reproduction.

Advantage is good.

When the women of the more matriarchal, hunter-gatherer cultures saw the young male Yamnaya warriors and traders riding glacier beasts, they quickly forgot their vanquished males and were likely elated to be abducted into child bearing for this patriarchal, technologically advanced society. [ Hypergamy ~def: a female mating with one above her social rank. ]

Tending towards mobility, war and trade means the opportunity to spread your genes further into the world and the universe is a central trait of the Yamnaya way. The attractive, fertile foreign women are the proper opportunity space for Yamnaya males. [ Exogamy ~def: a man mating outside his group/tribe. ]

Roving gains fertile women along the way of a much broader and deeper journey. There are always riches of some sorts over the next horizon. People or land to turn into wealth directed to one'own Yamnaya offspring. Whatever is over the horizon is a valid exploit for the Yamnaya.

Roving plunges into new spaces, new knowledge. Space and knowledge are infinite, consuming both is a Yamnaya prime directive. The Universe is unending, always untouched lands or planets, always some unknown. Make it touched and changed from its wild state, and make it known. Then turn it into personal wealth primarily for your offspring.

There are those who will oppose roving, and knowledge. Take their names, consume their Universe, then forget their names.

The birth canal of attractive women will give the Yamnaya man children. As being Yamnaya means being technologically innovative, consequently Yamnaya offspring are born into a family with advantage over the less innovative.

Think of the disadvantaged as serving towards the enrichment of the Yamnaya male's children.

The Yamnaya were the first people in history to have individual graves, as opposed to communal graves. In death, as in life, glory and focus is on the individual, not the community.

Wealth is aimed inward to those in your family, not communally shared to the tribe. Aim all your efforts at enriching yourself and your offspring (that are not sired from the servants or ugly).

The antonyms of exploit are:

...so the Yamnaya way is to always exploit.

The Yamnaya way is to not kill sustainable sources that can create wealth.

Trade requires a non-violent relationship. To maintain a steady source of materials (metals, engineered objects, fertile women) one cannot kill, injure nor overly offend sources of these materials.

No trade, no peace. Convey to those you trade with that all peace and non-violence is conditional on continued trade, and a positive wealth gain for you in that trade relationship.

No part of reality is off-limits to your exploitation

No part of the planet, humanity or the Universe gets to be left alone by the Yamnaya directive to exploit. All must be open to wealth generating trade and genetic fertilizing. The only alternative is to be the next object for your arbitrary expansion through conquest.

When others make religious claims of a right to exist outside of your web of exploits, the Yamnaya way is to ignore this message and proceed. This rhetorical maneuver has no fundamental basis, no ultimate reference point. It is a claim the weak have uttered many times, and gotten attention and respect. On any deeper inspection of reality it easy to see it is just the weak making something up. The more they act as if their viewpoint deserves respect, the more Yamnaya exploits can ignore any form of peaceful relationship.

A quick (historical) overview and appeal.


  1. Existed 3300–2600 BC (Late Copper Age and early Bronze Age) in the Pontic Steppe (Russia between Black Sea and Caspian Sea).
  2. First horseback riders. (Horses were not a global animal, they existed only near the receding glacier grasslands of Eurasia. They were a glacier edge animal).
  3. First to use wheeled carts, pulled by oxen. The carts functioned as campmobiles used to manage large herds and move to favorable seasonal grazing areas.
  4. Wool weaving and clothes enabled abandoning hunter-gatherer harvesting of deer for clothing.
  5. Wool products also became a primary trade export and income. (Eventually trading with Persia and China)
  6. Yamnaya changed Europe: the new society was and even today is organized around small monogamous families with individual ownership to animals and land.

...all the above combines into the following equation...

[   Horses and wagons gave an advantage in mobility over walking/running  ]
[   Wool clothes and herd owning meant a fundamental departure from hunter-gatherer ways. ]
[   All the people to the west of the Pontic Steppes, aka Europe, were matriarchal hunter-gatherers. ]

The Yamnaya are the patriarchal, warring and trading, private property invaders that totally replaced the collectivist matriarchal hunter-gatherers of Europe.


Yamnaya ways of being became Europe, those ways are strongly represented in Homer's Odysseus, the conquest of Britian by the Anglo-Saxons, and the last embers of militant, opportunistic paganism of the Vikings.

Yamnaya ways are the more general template for all greatness, and conquest, in European heritage. Unlike the Ango-Saxons and Vikings; the Yamnaya were coming from the Eurasian east, moving west. When they first arrived in Europe our best reconstructions of their facial features cast them as looking more like Siberian Asians. As they moved east past the Volga they adopted more farming plus stock animals over pure herding as they did to the east. Over the next centuries descendants of the Yamnaya would through selective pressure create blonde Europeans.

My appeal is for us to search for something more full bodied than contemporary European pride movements. The Yamnaya commit more fundamental trangressions against matriarchy and commmunism than any other European archetype. To the extreme academic feminist, passivist and earth worshipper –there is no greater actual historical enemy than the Yamnaya.

And that is why it would be a good faith tradition to propel any Eurasian into a better, stronger future unmitigated by the beliefs and ways of the weak.

We colonize uninhabitable planets
...starting with our own.

Colonizing space -no matter what planets or moons- will involve living in extreme environments. Every conceivable instance will involve spaceships and housing structures that provide the air and temperature range humans need for survival.

The idea of an uninhabitable planet to build colonies on has been accepted and embraced -both in popular culture, and actual projects working towards space exploration.

The building of research bases in Antarctica falls within the projection into the uninhabitable. There are now bases with populations in the hundreds and occupied year round. Before the age of machines and mechanized climate controlled buildings that continent had never been home for humans. (The author spent over fifteen months at science bases on that continent in the 1990’s. NASA did psych research on us because it was similar to living in outer space.)

With all this in mind, let's turn to those who are enraged that our home planet is changing rapidly, ecosystems are collapsing, climate is going into new extremes of heat and drought, and some villages and cities may be lost to rising sea levels.

The proper response to this rage is to embrace a naturally uninhabitable Earth as a perfectly fine place for a space colony.

We even have the luxury of building the Earth colony in the transitional epoch of relatively milder climate. If colonies on Mars or Titan are seen by serious engineers as doable, then our much less extreme climate catastrophe Earth is certainly doable.

The concept of a Yamnaya Faith is key in discussing the enraged, sanctimonious masses who are capturing political will and public sentiment to ‟Save the Earth”.

Know that the humans worth inheriting the future can completely cut down the ‟Save the Earth” movement at every turn. To do that one will need to crush the moral compass of those protecting Nature. How? By the morals of the Yamnaya way -expressed as conquest, mobility and innovation.

We colonize uninhabitable planets
...starting with our own.


This story takes place many decades ago, in a state I no longer live in. The state had one dominant environmental activist organization. It’s a nationally famous organization, with this local state chapter.

I noticed the members and especially local chapter leaders were advocates for natural spaces such as protecting local national and state parks, and thorough political opponents of industry in any form.

My philosophy was that we needed industry for all kinds of sane reasons, and it was intellectually impaired to not be able to want mountain hiking trails, clean water, and industry in the same thought.

I was reading Machiavelli and Sun Tzu at the time, and began coaching a best friend in how to climb up the leadership ladder at the forementioned environmental org. Politics and power in this small state chapter were less full of ambition and intrigue than say the same top positions in a California state chapter.

Within a year she held the position of political chair, the laison to our state legislators and state environmental departments.

Our very minor state chapter became far more powerful than California or any other chapter when our governor ran for President of United States.

Rules for this org were that IF the home state of the governor did not endorse the candidate, the national could not, and visa versa.

This governor had near zero positive environmental record, and the old guard of nature-only local activists had never been an ally.

Which was why I had been doing all this coaching, and a final step in that coaching was to strongly advocate for my friend to endorse him, regardless of the club members sentiment.

Months later after his White House win, he related to my friend that has analysts claimed 15 percent of his vote was from environmental voters. He had never concerned himself with environmentalism, and thanked her for the votes. Over the next eight years ‟liberal” policy had little to no correspondence with pure nature advocacy.

And that is story of how I did my little part to undermine a very silly agenda and impediment to our progress. Keep in mind I had friends who were true believers in that agenda the whole time. I just smiled and carried on. We will all need to operate that way in own sphere of influence. Good luck.


The Crisis of Modernity

To the managerial class, the collapse of our culture is not a tragedy to avoid, but a comeuppance we deserve for our sanctimonious ideals. It is also an opportunity from which infinite possibilities emerge including - via magical thinking - a more just and benevolent system.

This is why I believe in the Yamnaya religion.

Wealth is hoarded into the family of real genetic dependents, land is only owned through conquest/exploitation-enterprises ( and eventually mercenary work ). The people of more Neolithic/Chalcolithic were killed and enslaved.

Yamnaya (ways, get past the specific first people) success was due to advantages gained by new technologies.

All I believe in as better, good, valid, right, and what I support is both explicit and pregnant with logical extensions in the above stated ethical landscape.

Believers of other ways or ethical systems are an enemy
they value the lives my system never repented eliminating.

References and Academics

Yamnaya ancestry: mapping the Proto-Indo-European expansions [ indo-european.eu/ ]

Indo-Europeans and Uralic peoples: Early Yamna culture [ indo-european.info/ ]

People of the Bronze Age – The Yamnaya [ dandavisauthor.com/ ]

A handful of Bronze-Age men could have fathered two thirds of Europeans [ phys.org/ ]

Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) [ isogg.org/ ]

Zoroaster and the Yamnaya -by Philip Stewart [ www.researchgate.net/ ]

The Wool Road of Northern Eurasia [ languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/ ]

We Know Little About the Origins of High Patriarchy and the Extinction of Most Y-Chromosome Lineages ca. 5000 Years Ago

Steppe migrant thugs pacified by Stone Age farming women  [ sciencedaily.com/ ]

Are these Ancient Horned Figures Connected? [ youtube.com/c/DanDavisAuthorChannel ]

A Possible Origin of the Horned Devil ...please watch Are these Ancient Horned Figures Connected? for complete story.

The Veksø helmets  [ en.wikipedia.org/ ]